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Special Delivery? A modern day uniform, 3/4 length jacket with bag.
Price: 3-5 years £12.50 5-8 years £13.50 - AIRLINE PILOT JACKET
Navy double breasted jacket with gold buttons – braid and wings motif on pocket.
Price: 3-5 years £11.00 5-8 years £12.00 - AIR HOSTESS UNIFORM
Tailored jacket and skirt with cravat and hat.
Price: 3-5 years £13.95 5-8 years £14.95 - DONKEY JACKET
Dig this! A navy and orange jacket with pocket.
Price: 3-5 years £10.00 5-8 years £11.00 - FIREFIGHTER
Navy jacket with shiny buttons, “reflective” stripes and “Fire” badge, across the back, plus yellow or navy trousers if preferred. Please note – hat with visor currently out of stock.
Price: 3-5 years £15.50 5-8 years £16.50 - CROSSING WARDEN
A good teaching aid for road safety, 3/4 length yellow coat with “reflective” stripes. Crossing pole available separately.
Price: 3-5 years £12.50 5-8 years £13.50 - MODERN POLICE JACKET
New style high visibility jacket with chequered and “reflective” tapes and “Police” badges on the front and back.
Price: 3-5 years £13.50 5-8 years £14.50 - NAVY POLICE JACKET
Navy jacket, four pockets, epaulettes, sleeve badges and nine shiny buttons. Optional navy trousers and/or skirt.
Price: 3-5 years £11.00 5-8 years £12.00
Navy trousers for the above jackets.
Price: 3-5 years £6.00 5-8 years £6.50
Navy skirt for the above jackets.
Price: 3-5 years £5.00 5-8 years £5.50